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crayfish Meaning in Bengali

 চিঁড়ি মাছ, বাগদা চিংড়ি,


বাগদা চিংড়ি, চিঁড়ি মাছ,

crayfish শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ল্যাংলোইস চক্তো রন্ধনশৈলীর বিভিন্ন উপাদান যেমন চাল, চিংড়ি, চিঁড়ি মাছ এবং ফিলি পাউডার ব্যবহার করেন ।

crayfish's Usage Examples:

Bahamas, called crayfish, sea crayfish, or crawfish ("kreef" in South Africa), terms which elsewhere are reserved for freshwater crayfish.

Like other edible crustaceans, only a small portion of the body of a crayfish is edible.

Procambarus clarkii is a species of cambarid freshwater crayfish, native to northern Mexico, and southern and southeastern United States, but also introduced.

Astacus astacus, the European crayfish, noble crayfish, or broad-fingered crayfish, is the most common species of crayfish in Europe, and a traditional.

The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is a North American species of crayfish.

including Australian crayfish, common crayfish, common Sydney crayfish, eastern crayfish, eastern rock lobster, green cray, green crayfish, green lobster,.

freshwater crayfish, and the only crayfish native to the British Isles.

Its common names include white-clawed crayfish and Atlantic stream crayfish.

The Cambaridae are the largest of the three families of freshwater crayfish, with over 400 species.

Cambarus is a large and diverse genus of crayfish from the United States and Canada.

A crayfish party is a traditional summertime eating and drinking celebration in the Nordic countries.

The tradition originated in Sweden, where a crayfish.

County cave crayfish Cambarus hamulatus – Prickly cave crayfish Cambarus hubrichti – Salem cave crayfish Cambarus jonesi – Alabama cave crayfish Cambarus.

yabby/yabbies in Australia, is the most widespread genus of fully aquatic crayfish in the Southern Hemisphere.

virilis is a species of crayfish known as the virile crayfish, northern crayfish, eastern crayfish, and lesser known as the lake crayfish or common crawfish.

The Parastacidae are the family of freshwater crayfish found in the Southern Hemisphere.

The name Kaikōura means 'meal of crayfish' (kai – food/meal, kōura – crayfish) and the crayfish industry still plays a role in the economy of.

contains all the members of the Reptantia (including crabs, lobsters, crayfish, and others), as well as the Stenopodidea (which contains the so-called.

It can be made from lobster, langoustine, crab, shrimp, or crayfish.


crawfish; decapod; Old World crayfish; family Astacidae; Astacura; ecrevisse; crawdad; decapod crustacean; American crayfish; crawdaddy; Astacidae;



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