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crayons Meaning in Bengali

 রঙ্গিন খড়ি,


রঙ্গিন খড়ি,

crayons's Usage Examples:

Since the introduction of Crayola drawing crayons by Binney ' Smith in 1903, more than 200 distinctive colors have been produced in a wide variety of.

It is known for its brand Crayola and best known for its crayons.

Wax crayons differ from pastels, in which the pigment is mixed with a dry binder such.

Since the introduction of Crayola drawing crayons by Binney ' Smith in 1903, more than two hundred distinctive colors have been produced in a wide variety.

The use of wax-based media in crayons can be traced back to the Greek Golden Age, and was later documented by.

(French pronunciation: ​[kɔ̃te]), also known as Conté sticks or Conté crayons, are a drawing medium composed of compressed powdered graphite or charcoal.

a need for safe, quality, and affordable wax crayons, the company produces their first boxes of crayons from the No.

lines included art materials such as acrylics, pastels, oil pastels, inks, crayons, adhesives, and other mediums; while the writing instruments line composed.

Typically, watercolours, oils, crayons or pastels, and other paints or dyes are applied to the image surface using.

The book has only 16 pages hand-written and illustrated by Björk using crayons and water-colours.


writing implement; wax crayon;


repel; abduct; adduct;

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