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disenchanted Meaning in Bengali

 জাদুমুক্ত করা, মোহমুক্তি করা,

disenchanted's Usage Examples:

group known as the Patriot Whigs, led by William Pulteney, who were disenchanted with Walpole's government and believed he was betraying Whig principles.

farmstead called Lubberland Farms which has a secret home for displaced, disenchanted, and disoriented outcasts.

Der Ring des Nibelungen, but was never completed, as Sibelius became disenchanted with Wagner's compositional techniques.

The song has been described as a "portrait of the disenchanted youth of that time, not inclined to romanticism, and on the threshold.

Eventually both become disenchanted with each other, and the wife's girlfriend moves in to live with her.

Baby follows Chiara (Benedetta Porcaroli), a young, rich girl who is disenchanted with her privileged and too normal life.

prospect, he accepted a scholarship from University of Arkansas, but became disenchanted with school and attended a total of four different colleges before quitting.

However, he became disenchanted with the authoritarian nature of the organization.


undeceived; sophisticated; disabused; disillusioned;


unworldly; endemic; inelegant; naive; enchanted;

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