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fatalist Meaning in Bengali




fatalist শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তার লেখাগুলো বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই পরবাস্তববাদী, বিষাদগ্রস্থ অথবা অদৃষ্টবাদী, যা গভীরভাবে কাফকায়েস্ক ।

fatalist's Usage Examples:

whereas fatalists stress an acceptance of future events as inevitable.

Determinists believe the future is fixed specifically due to causality; fatalists and.

Jacques the Fatalist and his Master (French: Jacques le fataliste et son maître) is a novel by Denis Diderot, written during the period 1765–1780.

He can be seen as a nihilist and fatalist.

Strong, neither an apologist for the past nor a dedicated futurist, took a fatalist view: ‘So things go.

The Fatalist (Portuguese: O Fatalista, French: Le fataliste) is a 2005 Portuguese-French drama film written and directed by João Botelho.

Blackpill, a suburban area of Swansea, Wales The black pill ideology, a fatalist set of beliefs.

His literature is known for its nihilistic, realist, racy, and fatalist style.

Van Zorn is about a fatalist who, attempting to play the part of destiny in a love affair, runs counter.


predestinarian; predestinationist; necessitarian; determinist;


civil libertarian; exponent; economic libertarian; proponent; libertarian;

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