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gavotte Meaning in Bengali

 আঠেরো শতকে প্রচলিত একধরনের ফরাসি মধ্যলয়ের নাচ,

gavotte's Usage Examples:

The gavotte (also gavot, gavote, or gavotta) is a French dance, taking its name from a folk dance of the Gavot, the people of the Pays de Gap region of.

The bourrée resembles the gavotte in that it is in double time and often has a dactylic rhythm.

optional movements were known as galanteries: common examples are the minuet, gavotte, passepied, and bourrée.

the passepied-like second movement, the minuet of the fourth, and the gavotte of the last.

was celebrated in music by Australian composer Auguste Wiegand, in his gavotte of the same name.

Rhythmically, it is in the form of a gavotte.


social dancing;

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