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geisha Meaning in Bengali




geisha শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

উইলেনডর্ফের ভেনাস  • ওয়ানগ্যারি ম্যাথাই  • মাদার টেরিজা  • গ্রেস হপার  • এক জাপানীবাইজি মামেচিনো  • তিব্বতী এক কিষানী  • মেরিলিন মনরো  • অপরাহ উইনফ্রে  • অং ।

geisha's Usage Examples:

reputation was later usurped in the late 18th through 19th centuries by geisha, who became popular among the merchant classes for their simplified clothing.

Graham is an Australian anthropologist working as a geisha in Japan.

She made her debut as a geisha in 2007 in the Asakusa district of Tokyo under the.

Nihongami are no longer commonly worn, and today are most often seen on maiko, geisha and sumo wrestlers.

likely worn as a point of visual distinction between oiran, geisha and their apprentice geisha, as though the former entertained the upper classes, the latter.

for Shichi-Go-San, young women during Coming of Age Day and apprentice geisha in some regions of Japan.

regard to Japanese sexuality is the institution of the geisha.

Rather than a prostitute, a geisha was a woman trained in arts such as music and cultured.

iko]) is an apprentice geisha in Kyoto and Western Japan.

Both geisha and kimono, amongst other cultural aspects, are thought to have been influenced.

geisha districts in all of Japan.

[citation needed] The geisha in Kyoto do not refer to themselves as geisha,.


woman; adult female; geisha girl; Japanese; Nipponese;


white man; juvenile; husband; male; man;

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