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late ripening Meaning in Bengali


দেরী ripening,

late ripening's Usage Examples:

tangerine (Citrus reticulata Blanco), is a variety of mandarin that is late ripening and seedless.

'Sanbokan' is late ripening.

It is late ripening and hangs well on the tree.

yellow flesh, late ripening Flavor Finale: medium to large size, purple-red skin with amber-red flesh, exceptional complex flavor, late ripening Flavor Grenade:.

Chardonel is a late ripening white wine hybrid grape which can produce a high quality wine with varietal character.

Those soils and the warm, coastal climate are ideally suited for the late ripening Mourvèdre grape which is the major variety of the region.

Its late ripening allows it to retain its characteristic acidity.

However the late ripening means that in some years the entire crop is lost and it only properly.

One of Heroldrebe's drawbacks is its relatively late ripening; it is harvested at about the same time as Pinot noir.

conditions throughout the year led to minimal output, especially for late ripening grapes like Riesling, by far the most grown variety.

It is a late ripening grape that is fairly high in acidity.




vernal; summery; wintry;

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