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late flowering Meaning in Bengali


দেরী ফুল,

late flowering's Usage Examples:

early flowering and late flowering plants.

Wagner particularly by Carl Dahlhaus who describes his music as "a late flowering of romanticism in a positivist age".

thesis "Solo song in England from 1900 to 1940: Critical studies of the late flowering of a romantic genre".

The late flowering subspecies has a different, unpleasant aroma, indicating different pollinators.

It is also called the "Wise Apple" because of its late flowering, which avoids the risk of blossom damage due to frost.

subject for cultivation in parks and gardens, valued for its foliage and late flowering.

garden, a herb garden, Mediterranean pot garden, rose garden and a long late flowering herbaceous border which runs as an artery through the gardens.

Along with Gustav Mahler, he represents the late flowering of German Romanticism, in which pioneering subtleties of orchestration.

draughtsman, illustrator, and early conservationist, associated with the late flowering of the Arts and Crafts movement in the Cotswolds, centered in Chipping.


inflorescence; ontogenesis; anthesis; development; florescence; maturation; growth; growing; blossoming; efflorescence; ontogeny;


nondevelopment; palingenesis; cenogenesis; decline; decrease;

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