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latent heat Meaning in Bengali




latent heat শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ল্যাভোসিয়ার, ল্যাপলাস এবং হেস এই তিনজন ও আপেক্ষিক তাপ এবং লীনতাপ এর উপর গবেষণা করেছিলেন ।

latent heat's Usage Examples:

latent heat with respect to volume was perhaps first recognized by Joseph Black in 1762.

The term 'latent heat of expansion' is also used.

potential, electrical potential, electricity, elevated temperature, latent heat and kinetic.

Scottish physicist and chemist, known for his discoveries of magnesium, latent heat, specific heat, and carbon dioxide.

the latent heat release as: T e ≈ T + L v c p d r {\displaystyle T_{e}\approx T+{\frac {L_{v}}{c_{pd}}}r} where: L v {\displaystyle \,L_{v}}  : latent heat.

Despite a corresponding absorption of latent heat,.

In so doing, the latent heat is released by the substance and transferred to the surrounding environment.

such as copper, since latent heat of fusion from the top side needs to be transferred to the lower side to supply latent heat of melting.

coexistence curve at any point, L {\displaystyle L} is the specific latent heat, T {\displaystyle T} is the temperature, Δ v {\displaystyle \Delta v}.

The amount of energy required for a phase change is known as latent heat.

environments where the phase transition of water to ice is slowed due to latent heat release.

The term is used in contrast to a latent heat, which is the amount of heat exchanged that is hidden, meaning it occurs.

A rapid accretion and a slow dissipation of latent heat of fusion favor the formation of a transparent ice coating, without air.

Water has a much higher latent heat of fusion than most substances, and a melting temperature which is convenient.

stay liquid or gaseous, or can undergo a phase transition, with the latent heat adding to the cooling efficiency.

These formations are called "hot" because of the large amount of latent heat released as water vapor condenses into liquid and freezes into ice within.

if all the water vapor in the parcel were to condense, releasing its latent heat, and the parcel was brought adiabatically to a standard reference pressure.

When the moisture condenses, it releases energy known as latent heat of vaporization which allows the rising packet of air to cool less than.


heat of vaporisation; heat of transformation; heat; heat of solidification; heat energy; heat of fusion; heat of condensation; heat of vaporization; heat of sublimation;


cool; coldness; anestrus; unemotionality;

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