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latent period Meaning in Bengali


সুপ্ত সময়ের,

latent period শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হাইবারনেশনে প্রবেশের আগে, প্রাণীদের তাদের সুপ্ত সময়ের সময়কালের জন্য সম্ভবত পুরো শীতকাল পর্যন্ত দীর্ঘ শক্তি সঞ্চয় করতে হয় ।

latent period's Usage Examples:

particularly in the discussion of infectious disease dynamics (modeling), the latent period (also known as the latency period or the pre-infectious period) is the.

After a brain injury occurs, there is frequently a "silent" or "latent period" lasting months or years in which seizures do not occur; Canadian neurosurgeon.

period, then the average serial interval is the sum of the average latent period (from infection to infectiousness) and half the average infectious period.

period, the period between infection and onset of the disease, and latent period, the time from infection to infectiousness.

The patient gradually becomes ill, or becomes ill after a long latent period.

This marks the end of the latent period (pre-infectious period) and simultaneously the beginning of the infectious.

A latent period of hours to days may follow with no sensible signs of distress, after.

In his presentation, he defined the latent period as being 1-5 years, and the formation coinciding with the period of.

Its most common impact is the induction of cancer with a latent period of years or decades after exposure.

produces tumours of the liver, kidney, intestine and brain after a latent period which may be a year or longer.

lymphoblasts in morphology, develop massive tumours in nude mice after a latent period of 7-10 days.

until two to three years after the fruit has ripened as they have a latent period.

study of the evolutionary ecological impact of phage growth parameters: latent period, plus eclipse period (or simply "eclipse") rise period (or simply "rise").

One-step growth experiments indicate that the latent period is approximately 21 min, with a burst size of 103.

not directly observed but inferred in statistics Latency period or latent period, the time between development of a disease or exposure to a pathogen.

Infected animals pass a latent period of 7 days and subsequently shed the virus for about 30 days, after which.

for each individual (the form and time of exposure to a factor, the latent period, and the time of any subsequent occurrence of the outcome) are collected.

The long latent period may have granted farmers a false sense of security, when animals fed.

Due to the short latent period, most physiological studies are conducted at 30˚C where infected cells.


reaction time; interval; time interval; latency; response time;


closed interval; open interval;

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