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move back Meaning in Bengali

 পিছাইয়া যাত্তয়া, পিছান,


পিছান, পিছাইয়া যাত্তয়া,

move back শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

শৈলেন্দ্র, হাসরাত জয়পুরী ১৯৬৯ ব্রহ্মচারী শৈলেন্দ্র, হাসরাত জয়পুরী ১৯৭১ পিছান নীরজ, ইন্দিভার, ভার্মা মালিক ১৯৭২ মেরা নাম জোকার শৈলেন্দ্র, হাসরাত জয়পুরী ।

move back's Usage Examples:

On December 14, 2015, the Aces announced that the team would move back to Orange County, California for the 2016 season and be renamed the Orange.

checks, usually by a rook and a bishop, often forcing the opposing king to move back and forth between two squares, can win massive amounts of material.

The Pelicans would move back to this lot a few years later and build a new facility called Heinemann.

cells, chromosomes do not line up at the metaphase plate and instead move back and forth between the poles randomly, only roughly lining up along the.

of the main text, but may cause inconvenience to readers who have to move back and forth between the main text and the endnotes.

Philadelphia, and did not renew her contract, due to the stipulation that she move back to Rochester.

Democratic Republic of the Congo, that started in the 1980s, where the hips move back and forth while the hands move to follow the hips.

However, the festival did not move back to the Horse Park until the seventeenth year, by which time the Horse.

At the end of January 2020, Alberts confirmed his move back to his roots to rejoin the Lions, in order to help them with their Super.

"White Wyne" and "Young Riesling", aspiring rappers from Toronto who move back to Riesling's hometown of Coaldale, Alberta to help run his family's Chinese.

else in the hair cells that is stretchy which allows the stereocilia to move back and forth.

winter, the winds are northeasterly and the monsoonal precipitation bands move back to the south, and intense precipitation occurs over southern China and.

He left the team in 2017 in order to move back to New Zealand with his family.

The show was scheduled to move back to Mondays in the fall for its third season having been paired with Beauty.

After almost eight years in Nanchang the club would decide to move back to Shanghai at the beginning of 2012 and renamed themselves Shanghai Shenxin.

October 2013, she announced that she would leave the film industry and move back to the United States to pursue her MBA and focus on her long-term career.

It has been returned to working order and following a move back to the Nene Valley Railway won the Railcar Associations Railcar of the.

For the 2019 season, Partington would move back to South Australia and join the Glenelg Tigers in the South Australian.

After the release of The Gatalog and a move back to Tampa, Mercer spent three years working with D.


hasten; drag; tramp; uprise; do; get around; roam; go down; shuttle; wheel; pan; travel along; pelt along; pace; automobile; take the air; ascend; transfer; plough; creep; meander; ferry; speed; go around; whisk; float; progress; travel by; motor; swim; thread; get about; run; retrograde; go up; lift; come up; drift; rush; be adrift; come down; pass over; belt along; spurt; trail; zoom; journey; march on; go past; career; snowshoe; lurch; taxi; trundle; push; ride; hurtle; lance; drive; swan; bucket along; pass; glide; slither; prance; step; range; go forward; sit; rove; slice into; travel rapidly; descend; advance; retire; recede; billow; angle; hie; stray; pass on; wend; travel purposefully; circle; race; resort; steam; plow; walk; whine; go on; draw; fly; overfly; continue; follow; caravan; island hop; cast; outflank; whoosh; step on it; sift; crank; move around; crawl; arise; pull away; zigzag; displace; tread; jump; swash; accompany; cruise; pursue; whistle; slide; shack; locomote; bang; vagabond; propagate; pull back; move back; err; zip; spread; turn; round; seek; change; pass by; forge; circulate; whish; withdraw; cannonball along; hotfoot; wind; swap; return; weave; travel; hiss; breeze; flock; precess; swing; come; hurry; go; betake oneself; circuit; fall; raft; ramble; tram; rise; bounce; wander; repair; lead; move up; beetle; play; roll; steamer; move on; go by; ease; spirt; carry; derail; ghost; draw back; blow; go through; scramble; surpass; back; wing; retreat; go across; slice through; precede; rush along; proceed; jounce; ski;


rise; recede; ascend; ride; linger; stay in place; precede; descend; go; advance; fall; follow;

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