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procrastinations Meaning in Bengali


ঢিমেতেতালা, গতিক্রিয়া, নলপত,

procrastinations's Usage Examples:

Then begins a series of procrastinations which ends with a collaboration with the Italo-Germans.

During his procrastinations with Koussevitzky, Sibelius continued to work on the symphony.

Alexander grew increasingly unhappy about Henry's procrastinations and in 1258 sent an envoy to England, threatening to excommunicate.

" Monteverdi's letters provide a detailed account of the various procrastinations and delays.

and Chandar sat with bon fire, Pammi says today she feels all her procrastinations have worked.


shillyshally; cunctation; delay; holdup;


accelerate; activity; skillfulness; intelligence; unthoughtfulness;

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