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proffered Meaning in Bengali


উপস্থাপন করা বা পেশ করা,

proffered's Usage Examples:

That night, Charles proffered a truce for five days, which was accepted.

ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus in his typology, Characters, "In the proffered services of the busybody there is much of the affectation of kind-heartedness.

for investment in the private sector; and in spite of the inducements proffered by the government growth is slow.

not probative (doesn't tend to prove the proposition for which it is proffered) is inadmissible and the rules of evidence permit it to be excluded from.

Sigismund Weiss (brother of the lutenist Sylvius Leopold Weiss), has been proffered as a work by Handel, however no autograph version by Handel is known to.

The theory's relationship to neutral monism is ill-defined, but one proffered distinction says that whereas neutral monism allows the context of a given.

A generally accepted figure of military casualties, however, is proffered in Edward J.

proposed "Liberty" Amendment to the United States Constitution was first proffered, pursuant to the Constitution's Article V, for the consideration of the.

Gong ageng are often proffered ritual offerings of flowers, food, and/or and incense before performances.

and development of the community are discussed and possible solutions proffered.

The process consists of either invited or proffered submissions of the abstract or summary of work.

If a party can establish a prima facie case for the proffered evidence, the opposing party must prove that these reasons were "pretextual".

intent of raising it, but ultimately decided against the project when proffered funding was withdrawn.

remanded, holding that, once the employee had proved all of the employer's proffered reasons for the adverse employment actions to be pretextual, the employee.

that the left-wing rioters of May 68 were totalitarian Stalinists, and proffered the hypothesis that they were "affected by a sordid infantilism caught.

The recipient must have proffered valuable contribution in promoting societal understanding and reconciliation.

His death and alleged torture became an atrocity story proffered by the Italian government to justify their use of mustard gas against.

Macauley was proffered a commission as the Adjutant of the reorganized 11th Indiana, which he.

In one surviving letter, a customer hearing about the Berkley Horse proffered Theresa Berkley this pricing for her services: "a pound sterling for the.


tender; offer; give;


disengage; diverge; stifle; take;

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