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revisit Meaning in Bengali

 পুনরায় সাক্ষাৎ করা,


পুনরায় সাক্ষাৎ করা,

revisit's Usage Examples:

Appropriate care for an ACSC can include one or more planned revisits to settings of ambulatory care for follow-up, such as when a patient is.

creators or audiences found the actors or storylines compelling enough to revisit.

The special sees the main cast revisit the sets of the original show (such as the Friends apartments, the Central.

was a high-resolution photographic surveillance satellite with a daily revisit capability.

economies prevented a resolution in these issues, despite repeated attempts to revisit them, notably during the 2003 Ministerial Conference in Cancún, Mexico.

After All Summer Long, the band did not revisit themes related to California beach culture until the 1968 single "Do It.

time, this album was the closest to owning a copy of the film they could revisit whenever they wanted.

temporal resolution, meant for providing near real time imaging with fast revisit capability and real time monitoring.

one day before the second leg of the Time Machine tour, and I did not revisit that jam until a year later.

Further fusion subgenres have since emerged as well as conscious attempts to revisit rock's history.

The specific objective of Sentinel-4 is to support this with a high revisit time over Europe.

2007 which urges that the Titanic be left alone: "There is no need to revisit her to be reminded of the most important lesson the Titanic can teach—the.

Ramsay revisits the restaurant a few months later to see how business has fared in his.

The group would revisit the idea of an album of pop standards in 1995 with For Lovers Only.

Screenwriter Curt Siodmak would revisit this theme again in Donovan's Brain (1953) and Hauser's Memory (1970).

The satellite revisit period is the time elapsed between observations of the same point on earth by a satellite.

McNulty, featuring several newly recorded parts in an effort to revisit some of the material Bowie had released as part of Never Let Me Down, an.




volley; ground stroke;

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