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revolted Meaning in Bengali





অভু্যত্থান করা, উত্থান করা, ঘৃণা করা,

revolted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর : বগুড়া এ এক অভু্যত্থান ব্যর্থ বিদ্রোহ ঘটে ।

কোনো কিছুকে মিথ্যা সাব্যস্ত করা, কিংবা রাসূলকে ঘৃণা করা, অথবা রাসূল যে দ্বীন নিয়ে এসেছেন তাকে ঘৃণা করা, রাসূলের দ্বীনের ক্ষতিতে খুশি হওয়া অথবা রাসূলের ।

revolted's Usage Examples:

Yamethin, a region to the east of Ava, revolted upon Minkhaung's accession to the Ava throne and stayed independent throughout.

was a member of the Ashina family that revolted following the fall of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate.

He revolted against Tang dynasty to restore the Turkic.

the palace of Lord Mustafa of the sandjak of Bozok in August, 1526 and revolted with his troops.

On January 31, 1812, the villagers of this town revolted against the Russians and sparked a massive uprising all across Kakheti.

The people of this district revolted against Nader Shah in September 1746.

In the mid-980s, Sweyn revolted against his father and seized the throne.

The northern vassal of Tripura, which had submitted to Min Saw Hla, revolted and for a time, he lost control of Chittagong.

departments, led by Manuel Ibánez, Julio Arboleda, and Eusebio Borrero, revolted against liberal president José Hilario López, in an attempt to prevent.

After the losses of the Athenians in Sicily, Clazomenae revolted with Chios and Erythrae against their Athenian overlords.

The Satraps who revolted were Datames, Ariobarzanes and Orontes of Armenia.

This started in 1260 after David VI revolted against Mongolian rule and fled to Abkhazia.

The attempt failed as the Janissaries revolted and killed Alemdar Mustafa Pasha.

the approach of Karzai's force, the inhabitants of the town of Tarinkot revolted and expelled their Taliban administrators.

southern Lan Na (Chiang Mai), under Burmese rule since 1558, successfully revolted in 1727.

As Ashurbanipal's armies approached Elam, the Elamites revolted and killed Indabibi in 648.

When the Athenians heard that Alexander had died, they revolted against Macedonia and the new regent, Antipater.

In 351–352 the Jews of Roman Palaestina revolted against the rule of Constantius Gallus, brother-in-law of Emperor Constantius II and Caesar of the eastern.

Sharif Hussain of Mecca revolted against the caliph and the Ottoman Empire which, under the leadership of.


intifadah; insurrection; insurgency; struggle; uprising; rising; rebellion; conflict; mutiny; battle; insurgence; intifada;


pull; please; spread; keep; respect;

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