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sickroom Meaning in Bengali

 রোগীর ঘর,


সংস্কৃতি করে উপস্থাপন,

sickroom শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রভাতে) ১. এ দ্যুলোক মধুময়, মধুময় পৃথিবীর ধূলি ২. পরম সুন্দর ৩. নির্জন রোগীর ঘর ৪. ঘণ্টা বাজে দূরে ৫. মুক্ত বাতায়নপ্রান্তে জনশূন্য ঘরে ৬. অতি দূরে আকাশের ।

sickroom's Usage Examples:

prior to the Bathtub Trap, and Hoffman's conversation with Jigsaw in the sickroom.

others learn from his example!      But God, how deadly dull to sample      sickroom attendance night and day      and never stir a foot away!      And the.

The sickroom was her space.

He finds Jeff in a sickroom with the corpses of John, Amanda, and his wife Lynn, and kills him in self-defense.

Jagannath manifests as Alarnatha during this period "Lavish bath before sickroom stay".

nocturnes in 1832, Field is said to have described the composer as a "sickroom talent".

She nursed him during his bouts of ill health, and during the four-hour "sickroom cabinet" meeting of August 1930 "stood guard at the door, refusing entrance.



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