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wolfish Meaning in Bengali

 অতিলোভী, নেকড়ে বাঘের মতো,


নেকড়ে বাঘের মতো, অতিলোভী,

wolfish's Usage Examples:

Look up Wolf, wolf, Canis lupus, wolfish, or wolve in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

influenced bro culture dubbed 'fist pumping culture', characterized by "wolfish males—sometimes hunting in packs—getting ripped at the gym and making sure.

pronouncement Caput lupinum ("Let his be a wolf's head", literally "May he bear a wolfish head") with respect to its subject, using "head" to refer to the entire.

head" or "wolfish head", and refers to a person considered to be an outlaw, as in, e.

, the phrase caput gerat lupinum ("may he wear a wolfish head" /.

She saw there wading onerous streams men perjured and wolfish murderers and the one who seduces another’s close-trusted wife.

a wide variety of character parts, Booth naturally projected a shifty, wolfish, or unpredictable quality that led inevitably to villainous roles and comedy.

Although some of the characters look like well-worn stereotypes — the wolfish Frenchman, the pedantic and aggressively nationalistic German, the snobbish.

work, Nixon uses the bodies of the dancers to express flying with bats, wolfish appetites, etc.

first Foregoing mentioning any fairy-tale-wolfish characteristics or behavior except a Three-Pigs-wolfish threat to blow the house down (unless one counts.

college-like setting and making her the proper opposite to her somewhat wolfish boyfriends.

driven our Priestly o'er the Ocean swell;     Though Superstition and her wolfish brood Bay his mild radiance, impotent and fell; Calm in his halls of brightness.

part was played by Nate "Happy" Derman, who played a more aggressively wolfish boy.


ravenous; gluttonous; rapacious; voracious; esurient; edacious; ravening;


thirsty; undesirous; unacquisitive; unaggressive; abstemious;

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