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be ill Meaning in Bengali

 রূগ্ণ হত্তয়া, পীড়িত হত্তয়া, অসুস্থ হত্তয়া, রোগাক্রান্ত হত্তয়া,

be ill's Usage Examples:

wife of Soter and mother of Eupraxia: "When you invoke the gods, do not be ill-advised.

well-conditioned, while a problem with a high condition number is said to be ill-conditioned.

popular Hiberno-English phrases, to be "as thick as champ", meaning to be ill-tempered or sullen, or stupid.

article, however, focuses on differences that cause conforming C code to be ill-formed C++ code, or to be conforming/well-formed in both languages but to.

Even if a problem is well-posed, it may still be ill-conditioned, meaning that a small error in the initial data can result in.

possible attack would be to copy identifiers from the phones of people who may be ill (for example, in a hospital), and to reproduce those identifiers in order.

After surviving, doctors warned that Hanlon would be ill for a long period of time.

Several fire stations such as the one in Pernem and Ponda have been stated to be ill-equipped with only two fire tenders at each station.

After some time, she told the officials that he continued to be ill and incapable of governing, and that he had also suffered a psychosis.

In this penumbra we find patients who know themselves to be ill but, coming up against the blank faces of doctors who refuse to believe.

"The plant that pretends to be ill".

phæL+MH *mi me1 ɲi˧˥ ɲi˥ be ill ngo < *ngaŋ ŋo2 gu˩ *go flint ʁdɯrtsa - tse.

healthy become even richer and the poor who are already more likely to be ill become even poorer], and bad politics.

would allow the comprehension of objects like the Russell set turn out to be ill-formed: they violate the grammatical restrictions of the system of PM.

time, Grand Empress Dowager Lü told the officials that he continued to be ill and incapable of governing, and that he had also suffered a psychosis.

beginning of wisdom, he said "He is the wisest man who knows himself to be ill-equipped for the study of wisdom".

Both felt like it would not work out and be ill-received by viewers.

the sole dominant figure in the Wei government, while Sima Yi claimed to be ill and remained at home.

Thereafter, she reflects that it would be ill-advised to approach one of the volunteer policemen (a "special"), as they.

amnesty program like the one the federal government undertook in 1986 would be ill-advised today.


giddy; funny; nauseous; paraplegic; sneezy; tuberculous; poorly; laid up; bedridden; nauseated; vertiginous; woozy; tubercular; dizzy; air sick; aguish; carsick; diabetic; under the weather; sick; paralyzed; milk-sick; sickish; upset; unfit; palsied; hallucinating; convalescent; light; green; livery; rachitic; consumptive; sickly; feverous; peaked; light-headed; bilious; autistic; recovering; feverish; faint; unwell; afflicted; lightheaded; swooning; stricken; unhealthy; unhealed; sick-abed; bedfast; airsick; ailing; bedrid; liverish; indisposed; bronchitic; delirious; dyspeptic; gouty; laid low; rickety; seedy; seasick; scrofulous; queasy; spastic; paralytic;


healthy; well; fit; sane; unalarming;

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