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be informed Meaning in Bengali

 খবর পাত্তয়া, জ্ঞাপিত হত্তয়া,

be informed's Usage Examples:

magistrate must be informed of the reasons to support the conclusion that such an informant is reliable and credible.

The magistrate must be informed of some.

timekeeper at ringside, much like boxing and MMA, some ring announcers may be informed of the time of the fall at the match's conclusion and will relay that.

any of the many ideologies it identifies; such determinations can only be informed by public opinion regarding specific ideologies.

Article 5 (2) Any person who is arrested or detained shall be informed as soon as reasonably practicable, in a language that he understands.

It is aimed at English-reading people who want to be informed about Latin America.

parental involvement laws require that one or more parents consent or be informed before their minor daughter may legally have an abortion.

Press offices hire Europa Press' services in order to be informed in real time about the general or concrete current situation of their.

areas of financing, advertising, labeling, and packaging, the right to be informed is protected by several pieces of legislation passed between 1960 and.

victims of serious crime overseas, and arranging for next-of-kin to be informed visitation contact with incarcerated nationals liaison with local police.

Parental consent may refer to: A parent's right to give consent, or be informed, before their minor child undergoes medical treatment.

Members and/or shareholders must be informed of the purpose of the EGM so that they may attend in a position where.

person has the right: To be informed promptly of the reasons therefor.

To retain and instruct counsel without delay and be informed of that right.

the direct personal observations of the affiant, the magistrate must be informed of some of the underlying circumstances relied on by the person providing.

right (a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence; The right of a person charged with an offence to be informed of the offence.

officer from the National Resistance Army (NRA) informed him he must be informed of all UNOMUR patrols at least twelve hours in advance and that all patrols.

in the spring of 2005, and some of the songs on the album appear to be informed by Young confronting his own mortality.

the use of the historical-critical method (or higher criticism), to be informed by theology, Sacred Tradition, and ecclesiastical history on the historical.

Ma'ad, The judge (God) will punish you On the day when every body will be informed of his deeds When the record of his life is opened before Allah أَلا.

However, OHRC has the right to be informed of applications before the HRTO, and receives copies of all applications.

to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.


intelligent; sophisticated;


naive; stupidity; retarded;

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