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be interested Meaning in Bengali

 অনুরাগী হত্তয়া, কৌতুহলী হত্তয়া, আগ্রহী হত্তয়া,

be interested's Usage Examples:

message, with an intent to communicate to the receiver that they may be interested in the given topic, but does not insist to perform any action.

which the Smithsonian [Institution] is interested, might be interested or ought to be interested.

statement in December of the same year claiming three potential parties to be interested in operating the venue, this did not materialise and the Boardwalk remained.

It is effective for catching fish which might be interested in prey items such as leeches.

February 1994 as a way for Apple to judge whether the market would be interested in a Macintosh that could also run DOS.

However, several representatives of G7 countries stated that they would be interested in Russia's return to the group.

like to film a second series of the programme abroad, saying he would be interested in learning how to cook a "proper American breakfast".

study that asked 958 participants which gender identities they would be interested in dating found that 96.

an intermediary to contact the individual(s) and see if they might be interested in moving to a new employer.

advises that students choosing AP English Language and Composition be interested in studying and writing various kinds of analytic or persuasive essays.

there are any advertisements on the page, the publishers would also be interested in the number of page views to determine their expected revenue from.

viewers would watch those movies that the network thought they would be interested in.

Typically, adherents of such religions believe the ETs to be interested in the welfare of humanity which either already is, or eventually will.

functionally and structurally impartial, that is, the tribunal should not be interested in the object of the particular case, and the higher tribunal does not.

Books editor Kevin Ryan approached Erdmann and asked him if he would be interested in writing the Companion.

In London, Thivy had a chance to meet Mohandas Gandhi and came to be interested in the Indian independence movement.

inquiries from shareholders and investors, as well as others who might be interested in a company's stock or financial stability.

national television and wanted to establish whether the clubs would be interested in a larger share of television rights money.

for the album, explaining she was releasing it for those who might be interested.




uninterested; simple;

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