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be punished Meaning in Bengali

 শাস্তি পাত্তয়া,

be punished's Usage Examples:

may also be used as a synonym of "impudent"; for example, a child may be punished for being "bold" by acting disrespectfully toward an adult or by misbehaving.

considered as violation of the prisons' regulations and the offender may be punished according to penal law.

The trafficking of cannabis can be punished by up to two years in prison and fines totally double the value of the drug.

entered the rapist's company in violation of purdah, she also stands to be punished by the law's current holdings.

session has come to mean that the proceedings are secret and members could be punished for violating the secrecy.

either or any of those Acts or at common law, but shall not be liable to be punished more than once for the same offence.

(b) Every person convicted of reckless driving shall be punished upon a first conviction by imprisonment for a period of not less than.

distribution, sale or display of obscene materials via the Internet can be punished with up to one years' imprisonment, although there is no penalty for.

The sale of marijuana, however, can be punished criminally.

Zimbabwe is illegal except for licensed medical use, and possession may be punished with up to 12 years in jail.

Anyone trying to practice abortion without the consent of the woman will be punished, including the doctors.

In folklore however, many consider them to be punished and turned into the weakest class of jinn, comparable how apes are seen.

Anyone violating the law can be punished with imprisonment up to maximum of 6 months or fine of up to ₹ 1,000.

by law, give consent, and sexual relations involving such persons may be punished by criminal sanctions similar to those for rape or sexual assault.

verses of the Quran prohibit zina, including 24:2 which says it should be punished with 100 lashes.

"material freedom of speech" (materiel ytringsfrihed), the right to not be punished for ones speech.

shall be punished with imprisonment for between three months and three years.

course of a year after an administrative penalty has been imposed shall be punished by a fine amounting to 40 average monthly wages or corrective labour.

operates in a manner characterized other than that in § § 3a – 3f will be punished (revitalising of the NSDAP or identification with), with imprisonment.




unpunished; undisciplined;

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