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be recollected Meaning in Bengali

 মনে পড়া,

be recollected's Usage Examples:

It will be recollected that the teams met twice before in the Phoenix Park and the People’s.

Gothic loci appear as the ultimate place where fragment of truth can be recollected and reunited and story rewritten.

song with me, and perhaps, in this way, long forgotten verses would be recollected.

quiet coda, where the intense experiences that have come before can be recollected in tranquility.

While carrying Aya, her draft paper was blown away and had to be recollected.

After making a wish, the Dragon Balls disappear and must be recollected in another game mode.

enemy or harmful obstacle, the player's rings will scatter and can be recollected.

troops that were to follow in the same direction; but then it must be recollected that he had to proceed along a very considerable portion of the circumference.

When taking damage, ten rings scatter across the stage and can be recollected before they disappear.

significant quantities of numerous air gases, among others, that could then be recollected by simply allowing the carbon to warm again and that coconut based carbon.

Construction cost NOK 122 million and was financed 25 percent by debt to be recollected through tolls, 25 percent by job creation funds and 50 percent by ordinary.

'The Little domesday book of Ipswich' was compiled based on what could be recollected at the time.

Each cultivar had to be recollected from gardens and nurseries up and down the East Coast.

It may be recollected that the project had been proposed in the mid-2000s and a survey had.

Muhammad, but his brother Saniz Mirza, the amir of Yarkand (who, it will be recollected, had taken Yunus Khan's help and invited him into Kashgar in 1457) supported.

Whitcomb, it will be recollected, has not reaped the advantages of an academic education; he has made.

Appropriated experience can be recollected.

example of piety, firmness, discipline and silence and loved always to be recollected.

much was told to me before any of the book was written; and it will be recollected that the ring, taken by Drood to be given to his betrothed only if their.


act; stagnate; account; buy; hang around; mope; need; confound; kill; put out; feel; loiter; relate; suck; hum; befuddle; hail; compare; yawn; hang; stay; adorn; specify; incline; be well; curve; come in for; incarnate; bedevil; translate; turn out; number; cover; work; iridesce; hurt; add up; swim; body forth; run; suit; hoodoo; cut across; consist; footle; seethe; cut; deck; suffer; sparkle; lallygag; cohere; owe; balance; represent; seem; distribute; trim; measure; substantiate; bake; moon about; take; point; disaccord; delimit; define; litter; shine; remain; fox; range; lollygag; squat; moon around; grace; twist; beautify; make sense; coruscate; tarry; stand; loaf; accept; terminate; scintillate; retard; gravitate; end; tend; wash; jumble; beat; come in handy; lend; stand by; yaw; abound; stick; fuddle; draw; continue; rut; figure; look; transplant; mess about; promise; rage; encounter; decorate; embellish; broil; buzz; drown; delineate; contain; gape; make; connect; discord; lurk; hold; mill around; compact; delimitate; stay on; boil; amount; press; matter; lubricate; depend; deserve; osculate; lie; object; rate; pack; lean; throw; confuse; be given; pay; head up; wind; sell; cost; lounge; require; recognize; enter; comprise; merit; subtend; swing; test; come; embody; go; fall; fit; rest; stink; impend; total; start; breathe; rank; prove; count; weigh; disagree; run into; underlie; let go; appear; stick by; clean; interrelate; begin; answer; account for; belong; linger; head; mingle; discombobulate; mill about; adhere; want; turn up; diverge;


change; be well; agree; suffer; converge;

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