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be rescued Meaning in Bengali

 পরিত্রাণ পাত্তয়া,

be rescued's Usage Examples:

1962 when shops were flooded up to the first floor and people had to be rescued by fishermen in rowing boats.

Isolation reduces the opportunity of the abused to be rescued or escape from the abuse.

both disulfides usually unfolds the protein, although its folding can be rescued with high salt concentrations.

conditions, part of the stranded crew and some of the scientists could only be rescued in April 1938.

part of the stranded crew members and some of the scientists could only be rescued in April 1938.

demonstrated by the fact that blood deficiencies in CDX4 mutants can be rescued by the over expression of certain Hox genes.

himself, but was caught in yet another avalanche on the way and had to be rescued by helicopter.

who plan to kidnap her and hold her for ransom, unaware that she will be rescued by the unlikeliest of knights errant.

being vague, especially regarding the definition of who is entitled to be rescued and the definition of what constitutes a spacecraft and its component.

daughter had to be rescued from crocodile-infested floodwaters; a man was swept to death by floods; and a tourist had to be rescued from dangerous ocean.

Several dozen people had to be rescued off the southern shore of Oahu as the storm brought high surf to the main.

In September 2020 seven Swansea University students also had to be rescued after becoming stranded.

Agnes in 1972 when then-Governor Milton Shapp and his wife Muriel had to be rescued by boat.

From 1976 to 2007, 24 hikers have died on Biokovo, while 37 had to be rescued.

the 'plane with a piece of meat before landing in a tree and having to be rescued; later he was wounded in action.

She plays the role of the conventional damsel in distress who must be rescued from various perils, but is also portrayed as a competent and capable.

Some enemies can capture a player's ship via a tractor beam, which can be rescued to transform the player into a “dual fighter” with additional firepower.

In addition to building closure, glass may need to be rescued and protected from the threat of vandalism.

world art, entertainment, and media, in which a beautiful woman must be rescued by a hero.


saved; reclaimed;


lost; unregenerate; cursed;

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