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be run down Meaning in Bengali


be run down's Usage Examples:

by a taxi at CPW and West 74th Street, becoming the first person to be run down and killed by a motor car in the Americas.

them accrued large amounts of debt or cut costs, causing schools to be run down.

attempt to take Cégeste into custody, he breaks free and flees, only to be run down by two motorcycle riders.

The school turned out to be run down and dilapidated, a hidden cost of running two parallel school systems.

properties in the Kāhala area of Honolulu where he has allowed them to be run down, attracting many complaints and media attention.

banning officers from engaging in it, even when the officer is about to be run down by the vehicle.

The station started to be run down following the closure of the line to Truro on 4 February 1963.

prevents the breakdown of the economy, preventing private money savings to be run down by private debt.

The various running sheds began to be run down during the 1930s as part of a re-organisation scheme involving new developments.

engine, derived from the right bank of Pontiac's 389 V8, enabling it to be run down the same production line and reducing costs.

This allows fishing tools to subsequently be run down hole to latch onto and remove the stuck pipe.

duplication of existing North-South routes, and services began gradually to be run down.

intervention, declaration of martial law, and that the protesters should be run down with tanks.

Peter Dessaix called out, 'Look out! Alter your course, or we will be run down.

which girders were lowered to the lock floor; steel shutters could then be run down these girders to block the flow of water.


downward; downwards; downwardly;


up; upwardly; upward; upwards;

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