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disembowels Meaning in Bengali


পেট কেটে নাড়িভুঁড়ি বার করা,

disembowels's Usage Examples:

the remaining necromancer Uldalla who succumbs to madness and later disembowels himself.

than previous releases, including the eponymous mechanized demon which disembowels its prey, and the end of the world in the song "Cathedral Spires.

reaction from him, with some criticising the monk; enraged, he gets up and disembowels himself with a short knife.

After she disembowels the man and frees herself, Billy comes into the room on his tricycle.

Spencer attempts to get Negan to eliminate Rick, however, Negan disembowels Spencer in response.

Negan calls him a coward for plotting against Rick behind his back, and disembowels him.

At one point during the mission, Morgan disembowels a Savior as Carol and a rescued Ezekiel watch.

Dan pleads for his life, but Rick stabs him with Joe's pocketknife and disembowels him, and then continues to stab him to death repeatedly, as Carl watches.

two—as they are bound together—and carries them away, where he kills and disembowels them, though they do not satiate his appetite much.

The fur trimmer, Sergio, disembowels himself with his scissors after cutting the pelts.

Max follows them into a greenhouse, where Zoe, hidden in mud, disembowels and decapitates him.

However, Lecter disembowels and hangs Pazzi in reference to the lynchings of the Pazzi conspirators.

Sanna is in a nearby cave, but a Chasmosaurus makes its lair there, and disembowels one man before injuring another with a deep gash.

When a henchman cuts Wenlie's arm, Fan Ke disembowels the man with his skills and the henchmen run off.

however he meets a similar fate to his predecessor, whee Lecter hangs and disembowels Pazzi.

Ashikaga Mochiuji disembowels himself at Yōan-ji, near Kamakura (from the Yūki Kassen Ekotoba).

An Acolyte assassin attacks the Panther in his sleep and nearly disembowels him, but the Panther is saved from death by the Wasp – who remains a.

The enraged mob rips Hippolytus limb from limb, and his father disembowels him.

The creature, believing he is better off dead, then disembowels himself.

little tension in this figure's legs or feet, even as Narasiṃha gently disembowels him.


draw; withdraw; take; remove; take away; eviscerate;


saddle; fuse; fill; uninjured; vitalize;

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