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late blooming Meaning in Bengali


দেরী বিকসিত,

late blooming's Usage Examples:

Some properties include a resistance to scab, moderate vigor, medium-late blooming season, moderately large size, symmetry, lack of russeting, ripening.

The film follows Elle (King), a quirky, late blooming teenager whose budding romance with high school senior and bad boy Noah.

the fall This Camellia is very susceptible to cold weather and has a late blooming season; August through October in the southern hemisphere and March.

Available from commercial suppliers, it is a late blooming ornamental onion, reaching about 25 cm, and considered to be a good.

single "Case of the Ex" which did exceptionally well on the charts and a late blooming modest hit "Free.


fall-blooming; fall-flowering; autumnal; autumn-blooming; autumn-flowering; late-flowering;


vernal; summery; wintry; immature; late-spring-blooming;

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