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reviling Meaning in Bengali

 গালমন্দ, গালিগালাজপূর্ণ,


গালি দেত্তয়া, খিস্তি করা, মুখখিস্তি করা, গালাগালি করা,

reviling শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বাগধারা অর্থ শ, ব করা অশ্লীল গালাগালি করা শ-কার, ব-কার শব্দ অশ্লীল গালাগালি শকুনি কুটবুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি শকুনি মামার পরামর্শ দুষ্ট আত্মীয়ের কুমন্ত্রণা ।

যারা সমুদ্রকে ভালবাসে তারাই আবার গালমন্দ করে ।

"একন্-এর রেকর্ড কোম্পানি DMCA কে YouTube এর শ্বাসরুদ্ধকর সমালোচনার জন্য গালমন্দ করে" ওয়েব্যাক মেশিনে আর্কাইভকৃত ৫ মে ২০০৭ তারিখে, MichelleMalkin.com, ।

(৮). যৌন চিত্রকল্প, অশ্লীল শব্দ, গালমন্দ, নিচুতলার অভিব্যক্তি যা পাঁচের দশক পর্যন্ত পাঠবস্তুতে নিষিদ্ধ ছিল তার যথেচ্ছ ।

reviling's Usage Examples:

Khallikan narrates that Mihyar was harshly rebuked by an acquaintance for reviling the companions of Muhammad.

On 12 December 1666 the council pronounced Nikon guilty of reviling the tsar and the whole Muscovite Church, of deposing Paul, bishop of Kolomna.

consent of the bishop remaining celibate for reasons other than holiness reviling married persons and the celebration of Christian love-feasts wearing certain.

6 Brhaspati, when he with fiery lightnings cleft through the weapon of reviling Vala, Consumed him as tongues eat what teeth have compassed: he threw the.

Satan," "independent, faultfinding," "stubborn," "reviling," "haughty," "apostate" and "lawless".

goodness of the cause of Stephen and the evil character of his enemies, reviling Robert, Earl of Gloucester, as having the heart of a hare.

In the reviling climate of inflation one peasant remarked: "the richness caused by the.

of the most radical figures of the Age of Enlightenment, rejecting and reviling the church and state as unreliable institutions and exposing theologians'.

The film drew greatly mixed reviews, with some critics reviling it, while others praised it.

Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you.

tube), for a phallus-shaped sex toy, as an insult for a "contemptuous or reviling" male, and as a refrain in ballads.

despotism against them", or by attacking "the human dignity of others by reviling, maliciously making contemptible or slandering parts of the populace".

Daksha disliked Shiva intensely, calling him a dirty, roaming ascetic and reviling the great yogi's cohort of goblins and ghouls.

"Pale One" Heliopolis being angry 38 "Commander of Mankind" "your house" reviling God 18 "Doubly Evil" Andjet adultery 39 "Bestower of Good" the Harpoon.

Those who stood by accused Paul of reviling or insulting the High Priest, to which Paul replied that he did not know.

from himself to the arguments, and spend the rest of his life hating and reviling reasonable discussion and so be deprived of truth and knowledge of reality.

Neither do they bring to an end their reviling of the messenger of Allah on whom be peace and blessings and neither stop.

looked first of all to me, I met him in single combat and plunged into his reviling throat this pen, the weapon of his choice.

They reviling him because he was a Jew and saying no Jew should hold any public position.


abuse; shout; clapperclaw; rail; vituperate; blackguard; vilify;


whisper; walk; cheer;

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