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revises Meaning in Bengali

 পুন:পরিক্ষা করা, পুনরালোচনা করা, পুন:পাঠ করা,


পুন:পাঠ করা, পুন:পরিক্ষা করা,

revises's Usage Examples:

The novel also severely revises the established knowledge of the Outsider race.

The stock exchange regularly revises the list, at least twice a year.

of candidates, then presides over a preparatory meeting of the NPC that revises and approves the list.

ISO 80000-2:2019 revises ISO 80000-2:2009, which superseded ISO 31-11.

It collects and revises shorter novels published from 1938 to 1940, with much new material.

If, hypothetically, Western Catholicism revises the issue of celibacy, I think it would be for cultural reasons (as in.

Day of the Doctor", however, the Eleventh Doctor played by Matt Smith revises his opinion of this incarnation after revisiting the final moments of the.

His dissertation dealt with targeted killing and the book updates and revises that work.

This revises current theories of quasar operation, as the quasar is quiescent, shutting.

" In short, the concept of bounded rationality revises notions of "perfect" rationality to account for the fact that perfectly.

the courts, appoint an administrative director, chairman the board which revises Puerto Rico's senatorial and representative districts, and preside at the.

MacIntyre revises Aristotelianism with the argument that the highest temporal goods, which.

If we later learn that "Tweety is a penguin" then truth maintenance revises this assumption because we also know "penguins do not fly".

Farm Bill, was the omnibus 1996 farm bill that, among other provisions, revises and simplifies direct payment programs for crops and eliminates milk price.

small-brained humans for so long in the midst of bigger-brained contemporaries revises the previous conception that a larger brain would necessarily lead to an.

"Covid-19: Mexico revises coronavirus death toll up by 60%".

It revises the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.


amend; rewrite;


deprive; worsen; break;

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