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revisionists Meaning in Bengali

 শোধনবাদী, সংশোধনবাদী,


সংশোধনবাদী, শোধনবাদী,

revisionists's Usage Examples:

interpretation that differed from his predecessor Joseph Stalin, the anti-revisionists within the international communist movement remained dedicated to Stalin's.

re-examination of presumed historical facts and existing historiography The "revisionists" school of thought in Soviet and Communist studies, as opposed to the.

such as Harry Elmer Barnes, disingenuously self-identify as "historical revisionists" in order to obscure their denialism as academic revision of the historical.

revolution are known as revisionists.

Eduard Bernstein, a close acquaintance of Marx and Engels, was one of the first major revisionists, and was prominent.

Refer to themselves as revisionists: "Holocaust deniers often refer to themselves as ‘revisionists’, in an attempt to claim legitimacy for.


commie; communist;

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