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reviser Meaning in Bengali




reviser's Usage Examples:

The principle of the first reviser deals with situations that cannot be resolved by priority.

various ways; the most likely possibility seems to be that an anonymous reviser borrowed Jonsonian work to enrich Fletcher's play during a revision done.

In this capacity as a supervisor and reviser of texts, Dryden may have worked on Shakespearean plays for Herringman.

He is believed to have been the main editor and reviser of the 1620 edition of the Welsh translation of the Bible and the 1621.

The first reviser is allowed to choose one variant for mandatory further use, but in other.

Tonnidae and Cassidae under "stirps Tonnacea", therefore acting as first reviser under ICZN art.

Georgia, was a lawyer, community leader, shape note singer, composer, and a reviser of the tunebook known as The Sacred Harp.

Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) which supports the decision of the first reviser.

The specific name is spelled macroistainus in Fishbase but as first reviser Maurice Kottelat chose to use macrositanus and this has been followed by.

these sources are among the earliest glosses in English, but the Cleopatra reviser (or his source) often revised them.


redactor; rewriter; abbreviator; redact; abridger; editor; rewrite man; editor in chief;

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