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stenotic Meaning in Bengali

অস্বাভাবিক সঙ্কুচিত শরীর খাল বা উত্তরণ

stenotic's Usage Examples:

Examples of vascular stenotic lesions include: Intermittent claudication (peripheral artery stenosis).

valvuloplasty also known as balloon aortic valvotomy is the widening of a stenotic aortic valve using a balloon catheter inside the valve.

It is heard following the middiastolic rumble of the stenotic valve, during the diastasis phase, making it a "late diastolic" murmur.

This repetitive trauma may result in stenotic artery degeneration, complete artery occlusion or even formation of an.

occur more commonly in brachycephalic breeds:- an elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, a hypoplastic trachea, and everted laryngeal saccules (a condition.

Valvuloplasty is the widening of a stenotic valve using a balloon catheter.

Types include: Aortic valvuloplasty in repair of a stenotic aortic valve Mitral valvuloplasty.

This revision of the renal pelvis treats the obstruction by excising the stenotic area of the renal pelvis or uretero-pelvic junction and creating a more.

Due to the linear extension of fibrosis, neither a stenotic area resection nor end-end anastomosis were feasible while the implementation.

events in the heart, without increasing major bleeding in the treatment of stenotic coronary arteries.

metallic stents have been used as part of a procedure to dilate and maintain stenotic vena cava.

 Some of the other BOAS related symptoms include stenotic nares, everted laryngeal saccules, and laryngeal collapse.

grafting (CABG, often referred to as "bypass surgery"), which bypasses stenotic arteries by grafting vessels from elsewhere in the body.

called von Willebrand factor), due to increased turbulence around the stenotic valve.

can be heard during auscultation caused by the blood flow through the stenotic valve.

Some pugs are also born with stenotic nares which can also inhibit their breathing.

Because of this, the valve area may be erroneously calculated as stenotic if the flow across the valve is low (i.

In people with aortic valve stenosis, the stenotic aortic valve becomes increasingly narrowed resulting in an increase in.

stenotic's Meaning':

abnormally constricted body canal or passage


constricted; stenosed;


unconstricted; lax; open;

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