<< stented stents >>

stentors Meaning in Bengali

একটি অস্বাভাবিক চিত্কার করে একটি স্পিকার

stentors's Usage Examples:

org Les Stentors Sherbrooke, Quebec stentors.

transmitting the news, announcers with especially loud voices — known as stentors — were hired and instructed to speak as forcefully as possible into specially.

"stentors", and because vacuum tube technology had not been developed yet, there were limited methods for amplification, so to compensate the stentors.

The forty-four stentors (speakers) of the carillon were located underneath the Needle's disc at.

Cohen - The Partisan (Audio) on YouTube – uploaded by LeonardCohenVEVO Les Stentors - La complainte du partisan on YouTube – uploaded by LesstentorsVEVO Emily.

stentors's Meaning':

a speaker with an unusually loud voice


talker; verbaliser; utterer; verbalizer; speaker;



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