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stepfather Meaning in Bengali

 বিপিতা, সতবাপ,


সতবাপ, বিপিতা,

stepfather শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

নন্দিনী ক্রিশকে বিয়ে করেন,এবং জানতে পারেন যে ক্রিশের বিপিতা, অভয়ারম (বিনীত কুমার চৌধুরী) তার প্রাক্তন স্বামী কুমার ছাড়া অন্য কেউ নয় ।

stepfather's Usage Examples:

A stepfather or stepdad is a non-biological male parent married to one's preexisting parent.

A stepfather-in-law is a stepfather of one's spouse.

"Reiteradas violaciones del padrastro" [Repeated rapes from her stepfather].

More recently, one major study has characterised him as "the wicked stepfather" of the Canadian Constitution.

He was the first stepfather of former U.

pregnant as a result of having allegedly been raped and impregnated by her stepfather came to light.

When her new stepfather becomes the Commandant of a military school, George Washington Military.

Alicia is introduced in Fantastic Four #8, along with her stepfather, the supervillain known as the Puppet Master.

He later sued his mother and stepfather over his squandered film earnings and provoked California to enact the.

Doe) was an American toddler who was allegedly murdered by his abusive stepfather and his mother in 2005 and disposed of in Naperville, Illinois.

spouse of someone's parent, and not their biological or adoptive parent, stepfather being the male spouse and stepmother the female spouse.

The film is about a mild-mannered stepfather (Will Ferrell) who vies for the attention of his wife's (Linda Cardellini).

siblings, she grew up in Marikina with her mother, Francis Marie Klenk, and stepfather, Romeo Reyes.

Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, was an Indonesian who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.


stepparent; father surrogate; father figure;


child; woman;

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