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be saved Meaning in Bengali


be saved's Usage Examples:

time that could be saved (or lost) when increasing (or decreasing) speed.

In general, people underestimate the time that could be saved when increasing.

is often a special ceremonial shovel, sometimes colored gold, meant to be saved for subsequent display and may be engraved.

For some the church is defined as "all those who will be saved", with no emphasis on the visible church.

variant of belief in universal salvation, the belief that every person will be saved, that also held the Christian belief in Trinitarianism (as opposed to,.

Later, this data can be saved to Google Maps, Google Fusion Tables, or Google Docs and shared with Google+.

gladiatorial patience, Drive off all enemies' plots and mishaps Be saved, be saved, be saved, be saved all the way We are your sacrifices Libya, Libya, Libya!.

This can also be saved as a contact file on smartphones.

The light setup can be saved as "themes" and applied to other 3D objects quickly.

to help themselves, so that for example the drinking water supply could be saved.

she receives a digital voucher or e-ticket for the reservation which can be saved on their device or printed.

that honors the men who gave their lives so that women and children might be saved during the RMS Titanic disaster.

A store of value is the function of an asset that can be saved, retrieved and exchanged at a later time, and be predictably useful when retrieved.

5 billion will be saved and applied to debt.

The list of the 100 Italian films to be saved (Italian: 100 film italiani da salvare) was created with the aim to report "100 films that have changed the.

Christian universalism refers to the idea that every human will be saved in a religious or spiritual sense.

to "prepare" fractions or samples of the components that can be saved.

From version 11 files can be saved in the DjVu format.

The stitched panorama can be saved in a wide variety of file formats, from common formats like JPEG and TIFF.

to choose who was born, but also to decide when gods or mortals were to be saved or put to death.


blest; blessed; redeemed; ransomed; found; rescued; regenerate; salvageable; reclaimed;


unregenerate; lost; cursed; unhappy; abolish;

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