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be seated Meaning in Bengali

 অধিষ্ঠান করা,

be seated's Usage Examples:

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by.

urban lines, while most travelers may be seated during off-peak services, only a limited proportion will be seated during the peak services.

The current capacity is 2,264 of whom 301 can be seated.

Kidderminster Harriers, and has a capacity of 6,444, of which 3,140 can be seated.

The stadium has a capacity of 3,150 spectators, of which 1,000 can be seated.

It was commonly worn by coachmen who would be seated outdoors in bad weather for long periods, but needed to use their arms.

Jewell would be declared the winner and be seated as governor several days into the next term, and inaugurated governor.

The cox steers the boat using a rudder and may be seated at the stern of the boat where there is a view of the crew or in the bow.

facility daily, while 1,900 spectators could be seated in the fieldhouse bleachers and 230 could be seated in the natatorium bleachers.

The stadium can hold up 3,000 spectators, 250 of them can be seated.

contest for the federal seat of Swan, Moore resigned before he could be seated and O'Loughlen won a second by-election.

It is only now that the whole stadium will be seated.

shall not be seated on the ice surface.

The Judges and the Referee will be seated at the rinkboard.

If possible, the Technical Panel will be seated in an.

having a place in such distinguished company, and moreover daring to be seated while his betters were standing'.

metres (59 ft) long, and could carry 185 passengers, of which 60 could be seated in two compartments per car.

ground of Dungannon Swifts, and holds 5,000 spectators, 300 of whom can be seated.

The winner of the election will be seated on July 1.




standing; moving;

be seated's Meaning in Other Sites