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be seen Meaning in Bengali

 ঠাহর হওয়া,

be seen's Usage Examples:

A platform can be seen both as a constraint on the software development process, in that different.

Aisles can be seen in airplanes, certain types of buildings, such as churches, cathedrals.

This can be seen in the accompanying animation whenever it shows a smaller inner cube inside.

The guide can be seen at Rate Your Music, while a list of albums given a five star rating by the guide can be seen at Rocklist.

(at least for all showing latitude and longitude coordinates below), may be seen in a map by clicking on "Map of all coordinates".

for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in a Google map.

A stratum can be seen in almost every single country in the world.

for many National Register properties and districts; these locations may be seen together in a map.

for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in a map.

artists sketched their compositions on this underlayer, which would never be seen, in a red pigment called sinopia, a name also used to refer to these under-paintings.

for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below may be seen in a Google map.

Fun's evanescence can be seen when an activity regarded as fun becomes goal-oriented.

Development projects can be seen as one drive around Nilai.

for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in an online map.


act; stagnate; account; buy; hang around; mope; need; confound; kill; put out; feel; loiter; relate; suck; hum; befuddle; hail; compare; yawn; hang; stay; adorn; specify; incline; be well; curve; come in for; incarnate; bedevil; translate; turn out; number; cover; work; iridesce; hurt; add up; swim; body forth; run; suit; hoodoo; cut across; consist; footle; seethe; cut; deck; suffer; sparkle; lallygag; cohere; owe; balance; represent; seem; distribute; trim; measure; substantiate; bake; moon about; take; point; disaccord; delimit; define; litter; shine; remain; fox; range; lollygag; squat; moon around; grace; twist; beautify; make sense; coruscate; tarry; stand; loaf; accept; terminate; scintillate; retard; gravitate; end; tend; wash; jumble; beat; come in handy; lend; stand by; yaw; abound; stick; fuddle; draw; continue; rut; figure; look; transplant; mess about; promise; rage; encounter; decorate; embellish; broil; buzz; drown; delineate; contain; gape; make; connect; discord; lurk; hold; mill around; compact; delimitate; stay on; boil; amount; press; matter; lubricate; depend; deserve; osculate; lie; object; rate; pack; lean; throw; confuse; be given; pay; head up; wind; sell; cost; lounge; require; recognize; enter; comprise; merit; subtend; swing; test; come; embody; go; fall; fit; rest; stink; impend; total; start; breathe; rank; prove; count; weigh; disagree; run into; underlie; let go; appear; stick by; clean; interrelate; begin; answer; account for; belong; linger; head; mingle; discombobulate; mill about; adhere; want; turn up; diverge;


change; be well; agree; suffer; converge;

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