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be shattered Meaning in Bengali


be shattered's Usage Examples:

the middle Texas coast, and caused dozens of varied weather records to be shattered.

However, a number of poor performances that year caused the dream to be shattered.

can indeed be shattered using this model (any 3 points that are not collinear can be shattered).

However, no set of 4 points can be shattered: by Radon's.

came from another world, referred to as Draenor, the world that will be shattered into pieces by demonic magics during the events of Warcraft II, thereafter.

could generalize that any set of finite points on a unit circle could be shattered by the class of all convex sets (visualize connecting the dots).

The chains of authoritarianism and capitalism can only be shattered when they are broken at many links.

the part of the Negro race to share social and political equality will be shattered in the end".

means that even though it seems to be solid at room temperature and can be shattered with a hard impact, it is actually fluid and will flow over time, but.

Records continued to be shattered in subsequent years and the 2018 Nashville Pride festival boasted 35.

She idolizes a series of men, only to have each ideal candidate be shattered a short time later by a series of incidents which highlight their flaws.

probability roll might come up in favor of the players, and the enemy would be shattered.

upwelling lava tends to solidify during quiescent intervals only to be shattered by ensuing eruptions.

{\displaystyle T} is another set, then T {\displaystyle T} is said to be shattered by F {\displaystyle {\mathcal {F}}} if every subset of T {\displaystyle.

As chả giò made with rice paper can easily be shattered when fried, and also stay crispy for only a few hours, restaurants outside.

is with us" (ὁ Θεός μεθ' ἡμῶν) and "Huddle together, o nations, and be shattered" (γνῶτε ἔθνη καὶ ἡττᾶσθε).

long strips on larger glass panes in situations where the glass might be shattered, harming those in the vicinity.

silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be shattered at the fountain, or the wheel be broken at the cistern.

At any moment it may be shattered and then all will be over.

may be at stake, and the very foundations of the Roman Empire could be shattered irrevocably.

Laurel and Hardy, so Collins had no preconceived screen image that could be shattered by talkies.


tattered; destroyed;


preserved; new; undamaged;

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