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be stable Meaning in Bengali

 স্থায়িভাবে থাকা,

be stable's Usage Examples:

Liquid water could be stable for short periods of time in the summer in the southern hemisphere of.

In addition, cephamycins have been shown to be stable against extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing organisms, although.

The leader of this office must be stable and usually serves for a relatively long amount of time.

Presently, this group contains 14 asteroids confirmed to be stable Mars trojans by long-term numerical simulations but only nine of them.

form, the carrack was a carvel-built ocean-going ship: large enough to be stable in heavy seas, and for a large cargo and the provisions needed for very.

However, hydrogen diselenide can be stable in some solutions.

The choice of a de facto standard tends to be stable in situations in which all parties can realize mutual gains, but only.

3-Deoxyanthocyanidins are reported to be stable to color loss due to change in pH.

double beta decay to 82Kr) and for practical purposes can be considered to be stable.

It is possible for an ecosystem or a community to be stable in some of their properties and unstable in others.

listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List, its population is considered to be stable.

A dihydride, IrH2, is predicted to be stable over 14 GPa.

first 82 elements in the periodic table, 80 have isotopes considered to be stable.

Radicals can be stable if dimerisation would result in a weak bond or the unpaired electrons.

It has also been found to be stable at very low temperatures, dispersed in a frozen argon matrix.

The population trend appears to be stable, and hence the species does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable.

The loss may be stable, or it may progress as a person gets older.

believed to exist at low densities, the IUCN estimates its population to be stable and has no major threats to its continued existence.

and merge the changes back into the trunk when the branch has proven to be stable and working.

Morris argues that: "A paradox of prosperity is revealed and shown to be stable in the cycles of economic advancement between generations.


lasting; stabilised; constant; unfluctuating; permanent; firm; stabile; steady; stabilized;


unstable; unsteady; inconstant; impermanent; variable;

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