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be spoilt Meaning in Bengali


be spoilt's Usage Examples:

A ballot may be spoilt in a number of ways, including: Failing to mark the ballot at all (blank.

saft (stupid) enough to come down here on your way home, your tea will be spoilt".

As her family were quite affluent, Tiffany appeared to be spoilt and pampered.

And last but not least, connoisseurs of good food and wine will be spoilt for choice by the range of local specialties available to taste along.

"Ale lovers will be spoilt for choice".

She originally leaves without Gavin but decides she cannot leave him to be spoilt by Florence in a foreign country.

Tu Naza Neke (Don't be spoilt) 11.

Abdul Karim Khan did not want his name to be spoilt by disciples learning haphazardly.

Nation, regretted that "a book, whose general aims are admirable, should be spoilt so often by its pedantry", but most other contemporary reviews were favourable:.

the picturesque would be spoilt by admitting a fourth.

the High Street, who considered their view across the open space would be spoilt and there would be noise from the halyards on the poles.

He was considered by his aunt to be spoilt and he rebelled against the harsh treatment.

Give me something which cannot be spoilt by touch, words, smell, figure, and ether.

‘Ali-ice’ they pronounce it, so we thought ‘Alix’ could not so easily be spoilt.

" Fingleton wrote that Woodfull had added, "This game is too good to be spoilt.

Devotees of lead-heavy riffs will be spoilt by the title track and "Rites Of Passage", and the pace never exceeds.

Woodfull reportedly added "This game is too good to be spoilt.

Mexico hoped that the Revolution's centennial celebration would not be spoilt.


bad; stale; spoiled;


fresh; good; favorable; obedient;

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