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disembowelled Meaning in Bengali


পেট কেটে নাড়িভুঁড়ি বার করা,

disembowelled's Usage Examples:

enough to outrun, catch and hold a kangaroo without being injured or disembowelled by the animal's powerful, clawed hind legs.

where he was then hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered (chopped into four pieces).

notably an extremely graphic scene of rape, which ended with the victim disembowelled with a poker.

English Catholic priest and martyr at Tyburn on 19 June 1573, being disembowelled alive.

Blessed Nicholas Postgate (1596/97 – 7 August 1679) who was hanged, disembowelled and quartered at York in the aftermath of the Popish Plot, as well as.

man of such noble character that he could refuse no request, so he disembowelled himself for the birds.

It was noted by the witnesses that the bodies were universally disembowelled by the victors.

prisoner were killed and eaten with prisoners " being decapitated, disembowelled ,cooked and eaten".

He was hanged, disembowelled and quartered at York, His quarters were given to his friends and interred.

Queen of Scots, are hanged, drawn and quartered (the first seven being disembowelled before death) in St Giles Field, London.

Talbot was tortured on the rack, hanged until not quite dead, then disembowelled, before being beheaded.

He was also disembowelled.

Pair who killed and disembowelled inmate given life sentences | UK news | The Guardian "HMP Frankland's.

ripped apart by the dogs of Hell, burnt alive in boiling cauldrons, disembowelled by birds, and having their heads replaced with those of animals.

lost patience with him, exposed the charade and had him half hanged, disembowelled in front of his own eyes, beheaded and quartered – the quarters salted.

religious habit, he was not attainted till 1540, when he was hanged, disembowelled, and quartered at Tyburn on August 4, 1540 along with five other Catholics:.

before the massacre, nine constables had been assaulted and killed, some disembowelled, during a raid at Cato Manor.

The hunters report occasionally finding deer disembowelled in this way and attribute them to "squirrel kills".

Cook's body was disembowelled, baked to facilitate removal of flesh, and the bones were carefully.


draw; withdraw; take; remove; take away; eviscerate;


saddle; fuse; fill; uninjured; vitalize;

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