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fastidiously Meaning in Bengali

fastidiously's Usage Examples:

dramatically different lifestyles, such as a messy wife swapping with a fastidiously neat one.

dramatically different lifestyles, such as a messy wife swapping with a fastidiously neat one, or a wife who only cooks vegan swapped with a non vegan wife.

reign the facade of the constitutional authority of the Roman Senate was fastidiously maintained, and the conqueror, who had carried his army to victory over.

of a nuclear explosion," praising it as "intelligently conceived and fastidiously balanced.

These larvae fastidiously avoid incorporation of L-canavanine into their nascent proteins (presumably.

the nymph Amalthea and the goat that nurtured Jupiter for the Queen's fastidiously-appointed Dairy (La Laiterie) at the Château de Rambouillet; for his.

Others fastidiously avoided any non-essential extensions as a way of avoiding the problem.

His "cactus" series, painted over a period of three years, began as "fastidiously rendered.

The final results have been fastidiously worked on, revealing a sensitive feel for the medium.

He would fastidiously record his observations of the flora and fauna he encountered, occasionally.

The reporter correctly guessed that something was amiss when the fastidiously dressed President Lyndon B.

episode because they were amused by the idea of Seinfeld, who in real life fastidiously prepared for every show, having no material ready out of apparent laziness.

hammering single notes and his chordal harmonies in part three show how fastidiously he control his material while charting his own course.

The film tells the story of a fastidiously organized businessman, whose perspective on life is forever changed through.

In the spring of 1903 the fastidiously dressed sixty-six-year-old secretary was fresh from a trip to British.

as a negative commentary on the kind of "nerd-guilds" whose members fastidiously plan raids with all the seriousness of actual military tacticians.

She concluded, "'Show Cats' is all about watching beautiful, fastidiously groomed animals looking their best for the cameras and the judges.

Liljegren reissued a fastidiously prepared Pakeman edition in 1924.

eccentric who gave lessons in the magical arts in his apartment and fastidiously translated Kabbalistic and other ancient texts into English, such as.



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