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fastidiousness Meaning in Bengali




fastidiousness শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অর্থাৎ দ্রুত ছন্দের গানে যেমন দ্রুত লয়ের ঠেকার প্রয়োজন ঢিমালয়ের গানে তেমনি ঢিমালয়ের ঠেকার প্রয়োজনকে মানতেই হবে; এবং (৬) কথার উপরে ঝোঁক দিয়ে ।

তা হলে শেয়ার বাজারের অধোগতি ২০০৮-এর নভেম্বর নাগাদ একেবারে তলানিতে গিয়ে ঠেকার কথা ।

এরপর অডিশন দিয়ে ঠেকার পর একজন পরিচালক তাকে নিয়ে চলচ্চিত্র নির্মাণে আগ্রহ দেখায় ।

কুআড় (লয়), বোল (তবলা), সম (সঙ্গীত), তালি (তবলা), খালি (তবলা) ঠেকা, উপেজ (ঠেকার প্রকার), কায়দা (তবলা), পাল্টা (বিস্তার), রেলা (তবলা), লগ্গী, লড়ী, তিহাই ।

প্রিমেরা দিবিসিওনে টানা ১১ খেলায় জয় বঞ্চিত থেকে লীগ টেবিলের তলানিতে গিয়ে ঠেকার পর ৭ নভেম্বর সিমেওনে রিভার প্লেতের ম্যানেজারের পদ থেকে ইস্তফা দেন ।

fastidiousness's Usage Examples:

Thus fastidiousness is often practically defined as being difficult to culture, by any method.

His brush strokes twist with furious fastidiousness.

His extreme fastidiousness limited the number of his works.

metaphor on the one hand, and the Swiss fascination with planning, fastidiousness, and control over technical execution on the other.

view, the bow tie is "the embodiment of propriety", an indicator of fastidiousness, and "an instant sign of nerddom in Hollywood movies", but "not the.

notes that the bird displays a "complex mix of qualities: ferocity, fastidiousness, courtesy, fear, and grace", and writes that the description of the.

Technicolor remake of the novel, which, true to Selznick's legendary fastidiousness, boasted not only better performances but a far more cinematic style.

One student wrote of "the fastidiousness of her taste and the ruthlessness of her judgement".

George and Kinky during the production of "Get Over It" due to Kinky's fastidiousness in controlling every aspect of her records, her refusal to listen to.

and sado-masochistic punishments are balanced (in Helvetia) by the fastidiousness of the Swiss servants who keep cleaning up messes, washing whips, etc.

"Contrast": Dusklands is a very remarkable first book, written with a fastidiousness and power that are rare on the South African literary scene, or any.

Finn's deadpan is immaculately bone-dry, and his antiquarian fastidiousness is worthy of Guy Maddin.

cinaedei infection is made difficult by the fastidiousness of this organism; in culture, it grows very slowly and requires high.

obituarist in the London Daily Telegraph wrote of "Van Gelder's extreme fastidiousness" as an engineer, and his insistence on "no food or drink in the studio.

Reynolds Woodcock's obsessive fastidiousness is loosely inspired by English-American fashion designer Charles James.

upon an unprecedented (at least for the MoD) level of precision and fastidiousness.

While her avoidance of shaking hands might be interpreted as "fastidiousness", two alternative explanations may be just as probable: 1) Lady Windermere.

Francis Jeffrey wrote to the author: "Your timidity or fastidiousness, or some other knavish quality, will not let you give your conceptions.

Klugman thought it laughable that a medical examiner of Quincy's fastidiousness would fail to notice it.

layers of analogue keyboards was time consuming, and, along with Nye's fastidiousness caused tension and frustration, and the resignation of one sound engineer.


cleanliness; squeamishness;


trait; untidiness; uncleanliness;

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