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procrastinate Meaning in Bengali

 দীর্ঘসূত্রী হওয়া


নলপত করা, আজকাল করা, গড়িমসি করা,

procrastinate's Usage Examples:

unwholesome activities such as lying down and stretching out, and to procrastinate, and not being enthusiastic about or engaging in virtuous activity.

The shad reproached Viro for his delays: "Why did you procrastinate with your visit? If only you were more expeditious, your country would.

murky world of India's political class, where ministers and leaders procrastinate over everything, even on something as grave as border security.

"Life is very short, don't procrastinate – Boma Ozobia, Ex-President, Commonwealth Lawyers Association".

"We recognised an inclination or proclivity among ourselves to procrastinate and keep layering stuff up," he said.

exciting to those new to chess - who just want to play a short games to procrastinate their work - as well as those who want to utilize their computer for.


drag one"s heels; shillyshally; stall; drag one"s feet; dillydally; dilly-dally; delay;


start; rush; accelerate; activity;

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