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procrastinating Meaning in Bengali

 গড়িমসি করা, আজকাল করা, নলপত করা,


নলপত করা, আজকাল করা, গড়িমসি করা,

procrastinating's Usage Examples:

always" procrastinated writing papers, while approximately 30% reported procrastinating studying for exams and reading weekly assignments (by 28% and 30% respectively).

Cyril, suspecting John of using procrastinating tactics to support Nestorius, decided not to wait and convened the.

In this adaptation, the plot of the story is procrastinating, but the overall story is more complete, and the feelings of the play.

characterized by heightened test anxiety, students working to overcome procrastinating their test preparation or writing term papers.

He’d been procrastinating for years while writing a book he’d always wanted to write when he.

After a month and a half of procrastinating on a television pilot idea, Jerry is nervous about the series' fate.

during which time frontman Ben Nash said the band had been drifting and procrastinating.

The target demographic for the site was young men aged 21–34, procrastinating at work.

and had a dry Lancashire accent which suited his comic persona as a procrastinating and work-shy impediment to the general public.

clinging to unwholesome activities such as lying down and stretching out, procrastinating, and not being enthusiastic about or engaging in virtuous activity.

doki [suru] どきどき[する] with a throbbing heart guzu guzu [suru] ぐずぐず[する] procrastinating or dawdling (suru not optional) shiin to [suru] しいんと[する] [be (lit.

Paraguay, Inhaúma's leadership was encumbered by his hesitating and procrastinating behavior.

She became a breast cancer activist who recommends not procrastinating and advocates for early detection.

opportunity to advertisers because of its apparent target audience of procrastinating office workers (Citi employees complained to The Daily Mash and independent.

towards the meadow to do Darry's part of the job, while Darry starts procrastinating by comically trying to do exercise in time with the directions given.

Limited (VCT) charged the National Frequency Management Unit with procrastinating on radio license applications since their own application languished.

He taught himself to make games while he was procrastinating from finishing his dissertation in philosophy.

The first is to celebrate the act of procrastinating by leaving necessary tasks to be done at a later time.


drag one"s heels; shillyshally; stall; drag one"s feet; dillydally; dilly-dally; delay;


start; rush; accelerate; activity;

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