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be horrified Meaning in Bengali

 ভয়ভীত হত্তয়া, আতঙি্কত হত্তয়া, সন্ত্রাসিত হত্তয়া,

be horrified's Usage Examples:

the notion of, 'What if there was a Rate My Students? Wouldn't people be horrified to find out how awful some students can be?' And I thought I'd do it.

If I — who am subject to aging, not beyond aging — were to be horrified, humiliated, ' disgusted on seeing another person who is aged, that would.

Caesar was either horrified, or pretended to be horrified, at the murder of Pompey, and wept for his one-time ally and son-in-law.

You are just as likely as not when you return to Vienna to be horrified by what you may consider to be extraordinary change or series of changes.

adventurous parents who actually play this music for their child may be horrified to discover how much the little baby genius actually likes it.

Dick throws a rock at the bird, only to be horrified when Harry tells him he has killed an endangered peregrine falcon.

He said "Homeowners will be horrified that town halls are giving squatters the green light to break into law-abiding.

Enraged, Psylocke tracks Matsu'o down, only to be horrified to find him terribly disfigured; the result of Wolverine's yearly revenge.

Link's housekeeper sees the robot just enough to be horrified by it, but his dog is totally loyal to it.

The Greeks of classical times claimed to be horrified by Tantalus's doings; cannibalism and filicide were atrocities and taboo.

Weaver appears to be horrified by the ordeal, increasing the passengers' trust in him.

To stop her, Richard handcuffs himself to the bed, only to be horrified as Sarah walks in and finds his closet to be full of lingerie.

' I'd have the shot printed early and the next morning he'd be horrified when he saw the rushes.

including from Wales Online who acknowledged that 'purists will probably be horrified', but states that the story contains all the classic elements of an Asterix.

previously said that "if you examine the Iran deal in any detail, you will be horrified as to what is in there.

her an inhuman self-control which the poem's author appears to both be horrified by and admire.

He has claimed to be horrified by the way the Catholic Church complied with Francoist Spain, down to.

Matthias Seuttern; you would almost be horrified and imagine that our region is a real desert place, a Little Siberia.


horror-struck; horror-stricken; afraid;


unafraid; brave; fearlessness; bold;

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