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be hostile to Meaning in Bengali

 প্রতিকূলতা করা,

be hostile to's Usage Examples:

clear the strategic Turkish population in Meskheti who were likely to be hostile to Soviet intentions.

Patupaiarehe can be hostile to humans, particularly those who intrude on their lands.

The French hoped that Julius III would be hostile to the interests of the Holy Roman Empire.

his armies, blocking the arrival of some cardinal electors known to be hostile to his interests.

Minister Josip Broz Tito claimed that any alternative programme would be hostile to socialism, and "this, naturally, we cannot allow".

William himself was a military king who was reported to be hostile to drama.

membership for Turkey, although Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was said to be hostile to it in a book he published before becoming Pope, and felt that Turkey.

tolerating multiple cultures to tolerating multiple value systems, which can be hostile to liberalism.

from Saint Thomas Aquinas to Anatole France, clearly seems to me to be hostile to any intellectual or moral advancement.

Meskheti, located near the Turkish-Georgian border which were likely to be hostile to Soviet intentions.

It may not be hostile to any religion or to the advocacy of no-religion, and it may not aid,.

Smith believes that intellectuals have an inherent tendency to be hostile to their native cultures, causing them to embrace secularism.

region had been loyal to the Ottoman Empire and were therefore likely to be hostile to Soviet intentions.

After the latter proved to be hostile to the bans, the House of Basarab formally ended with the rise of Neagoe.

Meskheti) located near the Turkish-Georgian border which were likely to be hostile to Soviet intentions.

the territory by establishing a settlement whose inhabitants would be hostile to White Russian émigrés, especially the Cossacks.

He acknowledged that Congress would be hostile to the idea and oversaw the return of the communications infrastructure.

Chinese, to get rid of those, especially so ethnic Chinese, deemed to be hostile to the Empire of Japan (anti-Japanese elements in the local population).

city had an identity and reputation as a sundown town; it was known to be hostile to black residents and few settled there.


unpeaceful; antagonistic; aggressive; dirty; antipathetical; head-on; violent; opponent; unfriendly; hateful; opposing; antipathetic; at loggerheads; offensive; ill; bitter; inimical; belligerent;


defensive; peaceful; amicable; nonviolent; unaggressive; lovable; friendly;

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