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be sorry Meaning in Bengali

 পরিতাপ করা, অনুশোচনা করা, আক্ষেপ করা,

be sorry's Usage Examples:

written to Baum: "I suppose if Ozma ever got hurt or losted, everybody would be sorry.

Send it to me, I am going to replace it and you won't be sorry.

convention in society and states that, despite the vulgarity, he would be sorry to see the postcards vanish.

He chides them that they will be sorry when he leaves the company.

Gentlemen, take me at my word; for if you do not, you will be sorry for it before many years.

the singer addressing a lover, saying he's leaving her and that she'll be sorry she drove him away, perhaps wishful thinking judging by the way he claims.

which, to his mortification, she scornfully informed him that she would be sorry to marry a turncoat.


bad; pitiful; sad; distressing; lamentable; deplorable;


good; light; lively; achromatic color; unsexy;

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