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disembodiment Meaning in Bengali

disembodiment's Usage Examples:

Hicks says this is precisely what gender disembodiment means within the context of "The Girl Who Was Plugged In".

known for her public artworks and installations that examine ideas of disembodiment, the postcolonial, and the environmental in response to space, context.

and sexual reassignment raises the notion of disembodiment and its associated implications.

issued for the East Norfolk Militia to return to Great Yarmouth for disembodiment.

Noglik wrote: "this music opposes the increasing virtualization, the disembodiment of this world.

The 'disembodiment' discourse focuses around allowing the mind to wander without the physical.

digitalization of societies and organizations (Van Dijk, 2012), the disembodiment of agency (Hayles, 1999), and the increasingly distributed modalities.

Jones similarly described Hayles' work as reacting to cybernetics' disembodiment of the human subject by swinging too far towards an insistence on a.

characterized by the presence of the following three factors:[citation needed] disembodiment – an apparent location of the self outside one's body; impression of.

Bedloe then describes the physical and mental experiences of disembodiment and re-embodiment punctuated by distinct galvanic shocks, on his return.

Priestley did, that consciousness continues after disembodiment or death, not forever, but for a long while.

Indeed, this music subsequently led to everything but disembodiment.

portrait of what Ella Shohat and Robert Stam have termed "cultural disembodiment," manifested in "multiple failures of communication," that reflect the.

conjure up a sense of terrible emptiness as they explore the horrors of disembodiment, domestic and urban disconnection and the disquieting limits of role-play.

Jugglers have described a phenomenon of near-disembodiment and tranquility which may come over them while juggling.

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