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be gathered Meaning in Bengali

 একত্র হত্তয়া, জমা হত্তয়া, সমাবেশ হত্তয়া,

be gathered's Usage Examples:

by HM Treasury for the following financial year, with the revenues to be gathered by HM Revenue and Customs and the expenditures of the public sector,.

parallel rows of running stitches are sewn along one edge of the fabric to be gathered.

Poland, and the offensive was postponed until greater reserves could be gathered.

The intelligence information to be gathered included biometric information and passwords and other authentication.

Information about train location can be gathered through active and passive markers along the tracks, and train-borne.

Data for mapping a home range used to be gathered by careful observation, but nowadays, the animal is fitted with a transmission.

The data will be gathered and made available to the Copernicus program with the aim of contributing.

It was expected that most of the city's central administration will be gathered in the new complex to provide better organization, allowing the buildings.

The number of cases could be gathered from hospitals – which would be expected to see most of the occurrences –.

While the instrumentation mode allows more accurate statistics to be gathered, it also makes the program run more slowly while being profiled.

that microlensing events can be mined for all the information that can be gathered.

aggregation of woman's work, as may now be seen in the Woman's Building, can be gathered from all parts of the world again.

Until the appointment of a Prosecutor, evidence would continue to be gathered by the Commission of Experts established in Resolution 780 (1992).

in January 2020, where several former housemates of that season would be gathered in order to resolve their conflicts.

are routed to appropriate people, contacts to be tracked and data to be gathered.

Iraq attacks—and recalled all senior commanders of Nahaja (IRIAF) to be gathered in Tehran; he declared in a formal meeting concerning the necessity of.

or to discussions of the ethical import of his texts, very little can be gathered from his writings of value for the social history of his time.

to Radkey, only the results from Kishinev and 3 out of 8 uezds could be gathered by scholars.

It also called for deputies sent by them to be gathered in a congress in San Lorenzo, Santa Fe, 60 days afterwards, to decide.

They will all be gathered together in the Ka'ba and the area immediately surrounding it.




uncollected; ungathered;

be gathered's Meaning in Other Sites