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be heard Meaning in Bengali

 অবগত হত্তয়া,

be heard's Usage Examples:

being rebroadcast on the Internet Radio Service of Springbok Radio and can be heard on Mondays.

blood is pumped across a heart valve and creates a sound loud enough to be heard with a stethoscope.

The station can be heard not only in the Orlando area, but also as far away as the Space Coast in.

the day, allowing it to be heard some distance into California.

It provides a strong grade B signal to Sacramento and can be heard as far as the Bay Area.

top-of-the-hour ID, it could be heard clearly out to Manistee, Big Rapids, and Holland, and across Lake Michigan in Wisconsin.

It could be heard all the way east.

Heart murmurs are generated by turbulent flow of blood and a murmur to be heard as turbulent flow must require pressure difference of at least 30 mm of.

inaudible to humans, to the calls of many species of cicadas that can be heard for hundreds of metres, at least.

sounds at all, regardless of amplification or method of production, can be heard.

signal is among the strongest FM signals in the world, and the station can be heard in five states and one Canadian Province.

known for a legend called the Gannel Crake, an unusual noise which might be heard "crying out".

legal interest in a proceeding, or that person's lawyer, the right to be heard according to law" Alaska Stat § 22.

soprano voice that has a warm quality with a bright, full timbre that can be heard over an orchestra.

syllables can be heard as [ɪ, ɨ̞, ʊ, ɐ].

/d/ can be heard as dental [d̪].

In order to be heard at normal performance volumes, electric basses require external amplification.

The station can be heard from the California/Mexico border to Santa Barbara to Ridgecrest/China.

if used correctly, and being not motorized, it makes no motor noise to be heard by hostile hydrophones, but noise would occur if the front wings are allowed.

With that type of power, it can be heard as far north as Daytona Beach, as far west as Winter Haven, and far south.

Although based in Tallahassee, WGLF can be heard all the way into the Tifton, Georgia, and Lake City, Florida markets.




undetected; unnoticed;

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